website development

Why Website Structure is so Important

SEO techniques could not be successful if one forgets about the optimized website structure. The structure not only infers to the physical appearance of the website but also includes the way how the pages of the website are interlinked. A perfect and organized structure is immensely important for a website, to incur the benefits of SEO efforts. Without fixing the loopholes pertaining in the website structure, you cannot achieve what you intend to. The first step to optimization includes the optimization of the website structure. Below are some key points to keep in mind while designing the website:

  1. Attractive homepage

The first and foremost what one has to keep in mind is the design and content of the homepage and also its consistency.

The way the homepage is designed plays a vital role. Why because?It is the first thing what your visitors will come across. It should be easily understandable both by humans and crawlers. The homepage should focus on what your site is all about.

  1. Consistency

As stated earlier in the previous point your website content should be consistent. To understand this more properly for e.g. if your site talks about sunflowers it should present content about sunflowers only. Portraying content on cauliflower or its image will break the consistency because of it being a vegetable. You will have to see to it that once a visitor visits your website he/she should be persuaded to access your entire page and not going back at a first glance only.  

  1. Organised topics

Your content on the site should be well organised. In order to deliver an organised content try to break your matter into main topics and subtopics.

Like considering the previous example our site talks about sunflower so the main content should be about the flower itself.

Then we can go on with the subtopics like its attributes, uses, colour, where they are found etc. The benefit here is that having a well organised content makes it easy for both the visitors and for search engines to get an idea of what the site is about.

  1. Driving traffic to your site

To acquire the highest rank in search engines your site should be built with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Always keep in mind to keep a three level of navigation. Three level navigation is considered best for search engines.

Search Engine Crawlers doesn’t go deep down into pages so sometimes your pages might miss a rank.    

  1. keywords

Keep in mind to use targeted keywords and phrase. This will help your site come up on the top when someone searches for that particular term. The website structure should always be easily understandable.

  1. Enhances user’s experience

Poor user experience can negatively impact your website. Lets understand this with a simple example your site is about food recipies and a user is not getting the desired information say of how much sugar is needed to make a cake he/she will be reluctant to go and browse another page.

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