Hi there! I am the Founder of androhive and a programming enthusiast. I am Vishal, admin of Androhive. I am a Computer Science and Engineering Graduate from MMU of CU, India.
I am a coder by profession, a developer by passion, and a blogger by hobby 🙂 I started liking web development back in my 12th standard and fell in love with Android in my Engineering days. Initially, I found Android development relatively difficult. But with the help of online tutorials,
I was able to learn many things about Android. So I thought that I will also share my knowledge with the world and started Androhive! I started this blog in May 2018 in view of helping young and budding Android developers with my tutorials.
The ultimate purpose of this blog is to become a one-stop destination for all your Android development-related stuff. Apart from Android development, I am also good at languages/technologies like Java, PHP, jQuery, CSS, and other Designing, etc. I am also looking forward to sharing my experiences in these languages as well.
Apart from coding, I am also interested in personal finance. I am not a social guy but I still, love to discuss programming, blogging, and finance. If you have any ideas that you would want me to develop?