Gaming App Development Company

Fantasy Cricket App Development Cost in India?

Fantasy cricket applications have been incredibly popular over the past few years. One of the best and most well-known fantasy cricket game sites that made a good impact on the industry was Dream11. Many businesspeople are interested in creating fantasy cricket applications like Dream11 due to its unique features. However, the main issue is how to create an app similar to Dream11.

If you belong to the group of businesspeople, this blog is ideal for you because it covers the price of developing a fantasy cricket software. Here, we’ll also discuss the elements that your fantasy cricket app should have.

An app for fantasy cricket: what is it?

Users will be able to play a simulated game of cricket on an internet platform known as a fantasy cricket app. In order to play fantasy cricket, the user will need to virtually construct a team of players from the current cricket competition.

Once the competition begins, all users will be pitted against one another via their virtual cricket teams based on how well the players perform on the pitch. Cricket fans have taken to talking about the fantasy sports app since it allows users to participate actively in their favourite sports.


What Should Be Included in a Fantasy Cricket App Like Dream 11?
To get a competitive edge over other similar apps, it is imperative that you add the following elements in your fantasy game platform if you are developing a fantasy cricket software like Dream11.

for logged-in users

Player Statistics for My Offer and Rewards
Choosing Upcoming Competitions/Leagues
Join/Create Tournaments Making Deposits and Withdrawals Making Team Pages

For Admin

Admin Log-In Management of Transactions and Payments Management of Notifications and Requests
Management of Fantasy Points
Controlling Performance and Points
Viewing and Managing the User List and Transactions Associated With It
What Is the Price to Create an App Like Dream11?
The prices of developing fantasy apps in India depend on a number of things. The following is a list of a few of these factors:

Platform for Applications (Android, iOS, or Both)
Features and features you wish to add (Basic or Advanced) The intricacy of your fantasy sports app
The video game production firm you work with

Fantasy Cricket App Development Cost in India?

The main causes of price fluctuations are those that have already been addressed. To give you an idea, the price to develop a Fantasy Cricket app might range from $5,000 to $15,000. The precise price will change depending on the features, functions, and other important factors.